Unidad Científica de Excelencia UCE-PP2016-05
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Some representative journal papers since 1980's
Morcillo-Montalbá L, Rodrigo-Gámiz M, Martínez-Ruiz F, Ortega-Huertas M, Schouten S & Sinninghe Damsté JS.
Rapid Climate Changes in the Westernmost Mediterranean (Alboran Sea) Over the Las 35 kyr: New Insights From Four Lipid Paleothermometers (UK'86, RI-OH’, and LDI).
Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology, 36, 12, 1-27 (2021).
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Sosa-Montes de Oca C, Gert J de Lange, Martínez Ruiz F, Ortega Huertas M & Rodríguez Tovar FJ.
Microscale trace-element distribution across the Cretaceous/Paleogene ejecta layer at the Agost section: Constraining the recovery of pre-impact conditions.
Chemical Geology, 533, 119431 (2020).
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Jimenez-Espejo FJ, Presti M, Kuhn G, Mckay R, Crosta C, Escutia C, Lucchi RG, Tolotti R, Yoshimura T, Ortega Huertas M, Macrì P, Caburlotto A & De Santis L.
Late Pleistocene oceanographic and depositional variations along the Wilkes Land margin (East Antarctica) reconstructed with geochemical proxies in deep-sea sediments.
Global and Planetary Change, 184, 103045 (2020).
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Burgos Cara A, Rodríguez-Navarro C, Ortega Huertas M & Ruiz Agudo E.
Bioinspired alkoxysilane conservation treatments for building materials based on amorphous calcium carbonate and oxalate nanoparticles.
ACS Applied Nano Materials 2, 4954-4967 (2019).
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Rodrigo Gámiz M, Martínez Ruiz F, Rodríguez Tovar FJ, Pardo Igúzquiza E & Ortega Huertas M.
Appraising timing response of paleoenvironmental proxies to the Bond cycle in the western Mediterranean over the last 20 kyr.
Climate Dynamics, 50, 2925-2934 (2018).
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Burgos-Cara A, Putnis CV, Ortega Huertas M & Ruiz-Agudo E.
Influence of pH and citrate on the formation of oxalate layers on calcite revealed by in situ nanoscale imaging.
CrystEngComm, 19, 3420-3429 (2017).
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Ruiz-Agudo E, Álvarez-LLoret P, Ibáñez-Velasco A & Ortega-Huertas M.
Crystallographic Control in the Replacement of Calcite by Calcium Sulfates.
Crystal Growth & Design, 16, 4950-4959 (2016).
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Nieto Moreno V, Martínez Ruiz F, Gallego Torres D, Giralt S, García Orellana J, Masqué P, Sinninghe Damsté JS & Ortega-Huertas M.
Paleoclimate and paleoceanographic conditions in the westernmost Mediterranean over the last millennium: an integrated organic and inorganic approach.
Journal of the Geological Society, 172, 264-271 (2015).
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Martínez Ruiz F, Kastner M, Gallego Torres D, Rodrigo Gámiz M, Nieto Moreno V & Ortega-Huertas M.
Paleoclimate and Paleoceanography Over the Past 20,000 yr in the Mediterranean Sea Basins as Indicated by Sediment Elemental Proxies.
Quaternary Science Reviews, 107, 25-46 (2015).
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Supplementary data
Gallego-Torres D, Romero O, Martínez-Ruiz F, Kim JH, Donner B & Ortega-Huertas M.
Rapid bottom-water circulation changes during the last glacial cycle in the coastal low-latitude NE Atlantic.
Quaternary Research, 81, 330-338 (2014).
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Rodríguez-Navarro A, Domínguez-Gasca N, Muñoz A & Ortega Huertas M.
Change in the chicken eggshell cuticle with hen age and egg freshness.
Poultry Science, 92, 3026-3035 (2013).
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Nieto-Moreno V, Martinez-Ruiz F, Giralt S, Gallego-Torres D, García-Orellana J, Masqué P & Ortega Huertas M.
Climate imprints during the ‘Medieval Climate Anomaly’ and the ‘Little Ice Age’ in marine records from the Alboran Sea basin.
The Holocene, 23(9), 1227-1237 (2013).
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Romero-Pastor J, Navarro JC, del Egido M & Ortega Huertas M.
A Nondestructive Methodology for the Study of Colored Enamels: Insights into Manufacturing and Weathering Processes.
J. Am. Ceram. Soc., 96, 2132-2140 (2013).
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Ruiz Agudo E, Putnis CV, Kowacz M, Ortega Huertas M & Putnis A.
Boron incorporation into calcite during growth: implications for the use of boron in carbonates as a pH proxy.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 345-348, 9-17 (2012).
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Rodríguez Navarro A, Kudlacz K & Ortega Huertas M.
Automatic sample changer for the analysis of powder samples on an X-ray single-crystal diffractometer equipped with an area detector.
Journal of Applied Crystallography, 45, 135-137 (2012).
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Nieto Moreno V, Martínez Ruiz F, Jiménez Espejo FJ, Gallego D, Rodrigo M, García J, Ortega Huertas M & De Lange GJ.
Tracking climate variability in the western Mediterranean during the Late Holocene: a multiproxy approach.
Climate of the Past, 7, 1395-1414 (2011).
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Gallego Torres D, Martínez Ruiz F, Meyers PA, Paytan A, Jiménez Espejo FJ & Ortega Huertas M.
Productivity patterns and N-fixation associated with Pliocene-Holocene sapropels: paleoceanographic and paleoecological significance.
Biogeosciences, 8, 415-431 (2011).
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Álvarez Lloret P, Rodríguez Navarro A, Falini G, Fermani S & Ortega Huertas M.
Crystallographic control on the hydrothermal conversion of calcitic sea Urchin Spine (Paracentrotus lividus) into apatite.
Crystal Growth & Design, 10, 5227-5232 (2010).
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Gallego Torres D, Martínez Ruiz F, De Lange GJ, Jiménez Espejo FJ & Ortega Huertas M.
Trace-element derived paleoceanographic and paleoclimatic conditions for Pleistocene Eastern Mediterranean sapropels.
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 293, 76-89 (2010).
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Rodríguez Navarro C, Ruiz Agudo E, Luque A, Rodríguez Navarro A & Ortega Huertas M.
Thermal decomposition of calcite: mechanisms of formation and textural evolution of CaO nanocrystals.
American Mineralogist, 94, 578-593 (2009).
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Jiménez Espejo FJ, Martínez Ruiz F, Rogerson M, González Donoso JM, Romero O, Linares D, Sakamoto T, Gallego Torres D, Rueda JL, Ortega Huertas M & Pérez Claros JA.
Detrital input, productivity fluctuacions, and wáter mass circulation in the westernmost Mediterranean Sea since the Last Glacial Maximum.
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 9-1, doi:10.1029/2008GC002096 (2008).
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Jiménez Espejo FJ, Martínez Ruiz F, Finalyson C, Paytan A, Sakamoto T, Ortega Huertas M, Finalyson G, Iijima K, Gallego Torres D & Fa D.
Climate forcing and Neanderthal extinction in Southern Iberia: Insights from a multiproxy marine record.
Quaternary Science Reviews, 26, 836-852 (2007).
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Gallego-Torres D, Martínez-Ruiz F, Paytan A, Jiménez-Espejo F & Ortega Huertas M.
Pliocene-Holocene evolution of depositional conditions in the eastern Mediterranean: role of anoxia vs. productivity at time of sapropel deposition.
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 246, 424-439 (2007).
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Cultrone G, Sebastián E & Ortega Huertas M
Durability of masonry systems: A laboratory study.
Construction and Building Materials, 21, 40-51 (2007).
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Rodríguez Navarro A, Cabral de Melo C, Batista N, Morimoto N, Alvarez Lloret P, Ortega Huertas M, Fuenzalida V, Arias J, Wiff J & Arias JL.
Microstructure and crystallographic-texture of giant barnacle (Austromegabalanus psittacus) shell.
Journal of Structural Biology, 156, 355-362 (2006).
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Martínez Ruiz F, Ortega Huertas M & Rivas P.
Rare earth element composition as evidence of the precursor material of Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary sediments at distal sections.
Chemical Geology, 232, 1-11 (2006).
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Bea F, Montero P & Ortega Huertas M.
A LA-ICPMS evaluation of Zr reservoirs in common crustal rocks: implications for Zr and Hf geochemistry, and zircon-forming processes.
Canadian Mineralogist, 44, 693-714 (2006).
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Rodríguez-Navarro A, Alvarez-Lloret P, Ortega Huertas M & Rodríguez Gallego M.
Automatic crystal size determination in the micrometer range from spotty X-ray diffraction rings of powder samples.
Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 89, 2232-2238 (2006).
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Cultrone G, Sebastián E & Ortega Huertas M.
Forced and natural carbonation of lime-based mortars with and without additives: Mineralogical and textural changes
Cement and Concrete Research, 35, 2278-2289 (2005).
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Rodríguez Navarro C, Ruiz Agudo E, Ortega Huertas M & Hansen E.
Nanostructure and irreversible colloidal behavior of Ca (OH)2: Implications in cultural heritage conservation.
Langmuir, 21, 10948-10957 (2005).
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Bagur G, Sánchez Viñas M, Gázquez D, Ortega Huertas M & Romero R.
Estimation of the uncertainty associated with the standard addition methodology when a matrix effect is detected.
Talanta, 66, 1168-1174 (2005).
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Ortega Huertas M, Martínez Ruiz F, Palomo I & Chamley H.
Review of the mineralogy of the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary clay: evidence supporting a major extraterrestrial catastrophic event.
Clay Minerals, 37, 395-411 (2002).
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Martínez Ruiz F, Ortega Huertas M, Palomo I & Smit J.
The Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary at Blake Nose (ODP Leg 171 B): A record of the Chicxulub impact ejecta.
Geological Society of America, Special Paper, 356, 189-199 (2002).
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Martínez Ruiz F, Ortega Huertas M, Kroon D, Smit J, Palomo I & Rocchia R.
Geochemistry of the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary at Blake Nose (ODP Leg 171B).
Geological Society London, Special Publications, 183, 131-148 (2001).
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Martínez Ruiz F, Ortega Huertas M, Palomo I & Smit J.
K-T boundary spherules from Blake Nose (ODP Leg 171B) as a record of the Chicxulub ejecta deposits.
Geological Society London, Special Publications, 183, 149-161 (2001).
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Martínez Ruiz F, Ortega Huertas M & Palomo I.
Climate, tectonics and meteoritic impact expressed by clay mineral sedimentation across the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary at Blake Nose, Northwestern Atlantic.
Clay Minerals, 36, 49-60 (2001).
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Martínez Ruiz F, Kastner M, Paytan A, Ortega Huertas M & Bernasconi S.
Geochemical evidence for enhanced productivity during S1 sapropel deposition in the eastern Mediterranean.
Paleoceanography, 15, 200-209 (2000)
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Ortega Huertas M, Martínez Ruiz F & Palomo I.
The K/T Boundary at Blake Nose (ODP Leg 171B): Linking the Spherule bed Composition to Chicxulub Crater.
EOS, Transactions American Geophysical Union, 81/48, 800 (2000).
Martínez Ruiz F, Ortega Huertas M & Palomo I.
Positive Eu anomaly development during diagenesis of the K/T boundary ejecta layer in the Agost section (SE Spain): implications for trace-element remobilization.
Terra Nova, 11, 290-296 (1999).
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Ortega Huertas M, Palomo I, Martínez Ruiz F & González Díez I
Geological factors controlling clay mineral patterns across the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary in Mediterranean and Atlantic sections.
Clay Minerals, 33, 483-500 (1998).
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Martínez Ruiz F, Ortega Huertas M, Palomo I & Acquafredda P.
Quench textures in altered spherules from the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary layer at Agost and Caravaca, SE Spain.
Sedimentary Geology, 113, 137-147 (1997).
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Parisi G, Ortega Huertas M, Nocchi M, Palomo I, Monaco P & Martínez Ruíz F.
Stratigraphy and geochemical anomalies of the Early Toarcian oxygen-poor interval in the Umbria-Marche Apennines.
Geobios, 29-4, 469-484 (1996).
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Nieto F, Ortega Huertas M, Peacor DR & Aróstegui J.
Evolution of illite/smectite from early diagenesis through incipient metamorphism in sediments of the Basque-Cantabrian Basin.
Clays & Clay Minerals, 44-3, 304-323 (1996).
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Ortega Huertas M, Martínez Ruíz F, Palomo I & Chamley H.
Comparative mineralogical and geochemical clay sedimentation in the Betic Cordilleras and Basque-Cantabrian Basin areas at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary.
Sedimentary Geology, 94, 209-227 (1995).
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Martínez Ruiz F, Ortega Huertas M, Palomo I & Acquafredda P.
Microkrystites from Agost and Caravaca sections (SE Spain) as evidence of impact at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary.
EOS, Transactions American Geophysical Union, 75/44, 410 (1994).
Monaco P, Nocchi M, Ortega Huertas M, Palomo I, Martínez Ruíz F & Chiavini G.
Depositional trends in the Valdorbia Section (Central Italy) during the Early Jurassic, as revealed by micropaleontology, sedimentology and geochemistry.
Eclogae Geol. Helv., 87/1, 157-223 (1994).
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Nieto F, Velilla N, Peacor DR & Ortega Huertas M.
Regional retrograde alteration of sub-greenschist facies chlorite to smectite.
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 115, 243-252 (1994).
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Ortega Huertas M, Martínez Ruíz F, Oddone M & Palomo I.
REE behaviour across the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary.
Mineralogical Magazine, 58A, 674-675 (1994).
Palomo I, Ortega Huertas M, Monaco P, Martínez Ruíz F, Nocchi M & Parisi G.
Geochemical characteristics of Toarcian sedimentation in Alpine Geological Domains.
Mineralogical Magazine, 58A, 684-685 (1994).
Martínez Ruíz F, Ortega Huertas M & Palomo I.
The Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary in the Betic Cordileras and Basque-Cantabrian Basin. A comparative study of the platinum-group elements anomalies.
Mineralogical Magazine, 58A, 563-564 (1994).
Ortega Huertas M.
The geochemistry and mineralogy of clay sedimentation as a contribution to Basin Analysis.
Plinius-European Journal of Mineralogy, 12, 81-83 (1994).
Ortega Huertas M, Monaco P & Palomo I.
First data on clay mineral assemblages and geochemical characteristicss of Toarcian sedimentation in the Umbria-Marche Basin (Central Italy).
Clay Minerals, 28, 297-310 (1993).
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Abad Ortega MM, Fenoll Hach-Ali P, Martín Ramos D & Ortega Huertas M.
The feldspars of the Sierra Albarrana granitic pegmatites, Córdoba, Spain.
Canadian Mineralogist, 31, 185-202 (1993).
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Ortega Huertas M, Martínez Ruiz F, Palomo I & Chamley H.
Évolution minéralogique et géochimique comparée de la sedimentation argileuse au passage Cretacé-Tertiaire dans le sud et le nord de la Peninsule Ibérique.
Pub. Assoc. Sédimentolog., 19, 28-282 (1993).
Martínez F, Ortega Huertas M, Palomo I & Barbieri M
The geochemistry and mineralogy of the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary at Agost (SE Spain).
Chemical Geology, 95, 265-281 (1992).
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Ortega Huertas M, Martínez Ruiz F, Acquafredda P & Palomo I.
Microanalytical data on K/T boundary potassium feldspar spherules at Caravaca (Spain).
Electron Microscopy 92, 2: Material Sciences, 579-581 (1992).
Martínez Ruiz F, Acquafredda P & Ortega Huertas M.
The contribution of Electron Microscopy for understanding of the genesis of spherules in the sediment layer of the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary.
Electron Microscopy 92, 2: Material Sciences, 573-574 (1992).
López Galindo A, Ortega Huertas M & García Guerrero A.
TEM-AEM and SEM characteristics of the clay minerals of Neogene sediments at the Eastern sector of the Guadalquivir Basin (S Spain).
Electron Microscopy 92, 2: Material Sciences, 571-572 (1992).
Ortega Huertas M, Palomo I, Moresi M & Oddone M.
A mineralogical and geochemical approach to establishing a sedimentary model in a passive continental margin (Subbetic Zone, Betic Cordilleras, SE Spain).
Clay Minerals, 26, 389-407 (1991).
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Aróstegui J, Zuluaga MC, Velasco F, Ortega Huertas M & Nieto F.
Diagenesis of the Central Basque-Cantabrian Basin (Iberian Peninsula) based on illite-smectite distribution.
Clay Minerals, 26, 535-548 (1991).
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Nieto F, Ortega Huertas M & Velilla N.
Some crystalchemical and petrographic criteria for determining source rocks and sedimentary processes. The example of Neogene deposits of the Alpujarran Corridor (Betic Cordillera, SE Spain).
Clay Minerals, 24, 603-616 (1989).
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Ortega Huertas M.
The geology and economic importance of the strontium deposits in Spain.
Plinius-European Journal of Mineralogy, 2, 70-72 (1989).
Palomo I, Ortega Huertas M & Fenoll Hach-Alí P.
The significance of clay minerals in studies of the evolution of the Jurassic deposits of the Betic Cordillera, SE Spain.
Clay Minerals, 20, 39-52 (1985).
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Ortega Huertas M, Palomo I & Fenoll Hach-Alí P.
Mineral composition of the Jurassic sediments in the Subbetic Zone, Betic Cordillera, SE Spain.
Mineralogica et Petrographica Acta, 29A, 231-243 (1985).
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López Galindo A, Comas MC, Fenoll Hach-Alí P & Ortega Huertas M.
Pelagic Cretaceous black-greenish mudstones in the Southern Iberian Paleomargin, Subbetic Zone, Betic Cordillera.
Mineralogica et Petrographica Acta, 29A, 245-257 (1985).
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Martín JM, Ortega Huertas M & Torres J.
Genesis and evolution of strontium deposits of the Granada Basin (SE Spain). Evidence of diagenetic replacement of a stromatolite belt.
Sedimentary Geology, 39, 281-298 (1984).
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Ortega Huertas M & Aguilar Ruiz J.
Sulla presenza di paleosuoli rossi nella depressione di Granada (Spagna).
Rend. Accad. Scienze, Fis. e Matem. Napoli, IV, XLVII, 61-82 (1980).
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