
Research news

Researchers in front of a building
Fri, 07/31/2020 - 09:33

Scientists identify cancer stem cell biomarkers that may help predict response to radiation therapy

A team of scientists from Andalusia has studied the effect of radiation on cancer stem cells (CSCs) and the CSC microenvironment in both in vitro and in vivo models. The study showed that this effect can be determined from patients’ blood samples, which would be very useful for developing more personalized precision treatments for women with breast cancer undergoing radiotherapy.

A man using a driving simulator
Fri, 07/31/2020 - 10:18

UGR scientists determine the visual parameters that could predict safe driving among older drivers

A team of scientists from the Department of Optics of the University of Granada (UGR) has analysed which visual parameters can predict safe driving performance among older drivers. The results of their study, which have recently been published in the scientific journal PLOS ONE, indicate that the level of intraocular scattering, which is related to glare sensitivity, could help predict driving performance in people aged over 55 years.

A reservoir
Wed, 07/22/2020 - 10:51

UGR scientists study the role of Mediterranean reservoirs as producers of greenhouse gases

A team of scientists from the Department of Ecology at the University of Granada (UGR) has conducted the first-ever study of the carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions of 12 reservoirs located in Granada, Jaén, and Córdoba in Andalusia, Southern Spain. Their study demonstrated that reservoirs are important producers of greenhouse gases, contributing to the radiative forcing of aquatic ecosystems.

Two researchers
Fri, 07/10/2020 - 11:47

Spanish scientists explain how the mitochondrion regulates energy production

The study, published recently in the prestigious journal Science Advances, and in which researchers from the University of Granada participated, shows that the mitochondria electron transport chain adjusts its energy efficiency to adapt to the body’s needs. This metabolic adaptation mechanism explains mitochondria’s ability to modulate to stressful situations, such as those produced by intense physical exercise.

A researcher in a lab
Fri, 07/10/2020 - 11:04

Scientists restore the vision of blind rats for 8 months thanks to artificial retina

An international team of scientists, of which the University of Granada is a member, has developed a new nanoparticle-based artificial retina prosthesis that can be injected into the eye. Thanks to this important scientific finding, published recently in the prestigious journal Nature Nanotechnology, blind rats had their vision restored for 8 months without the need for surgery.