
Detalle bóveda Hospital Real
Sat, 04/10/2021 - 11:53

Protocol for Managing Applications from Students Unable to Attend Face-to-Face Classes

This protocol will be applicable to applications from students who, due to the circumstances established herein, and within the framework of the maximum levels of flexibility referred to in the Resolution of the Rector of the University of Granada of 23 March 2021 on the development of teaching and assessment from 6 April 2021 onwards, are unable to take part in face-to-face teaching activities.

Detalle puerta de cristal en Patio del Hospital Real con escudo UGR en vinilo dorado en la parte superior
Wed, 11/25/2020 - 16:42

Resolution of the Rector of the University of Granada of 24 November 2020

In view of the evolution of the health situation and the new extension of the measures adopted in accordance with Royal Decree 926/2020 of 25 October, declaring a state of alarm to contain the spread of infections caused by SARS-CoV-2, and the Order of 23 November 2020, amending the Order of 8 November 2020, which modulated alert levels 3 and 4 as a result of the critical Covid-19 epidemiological situation in the Autonomous Community of Andalusia and, moreover, with the aim of providing certainty to the university community and organising and planning teaching activities, the Rectorate of the University of Granada has decided, in agreement with the Rectors of the Andalusian public universities, to extend the measures currently in force, at least until the end of the teaching period of the first semester, under the following terms.

Vista desde abajo de uno de los patios del Hospital Real donde se ven los arcos del pasillo superior y la torre
Sun, 11/22/2020 - 21:54

Communiqué of 22/11/2020 in relation to the announcement of the extension of the Covid-19 measures

Dear members of the university community, While we are still awaiting the official publication of the extension of the Covid-19 measures adopted by the regional Andalusian authorities, we wish to inform that the measures adopted by the UGR on 9 November will be extended until the end of the first semester, as anticipated in the session of the University Senate held last Friday.

The "Hospital Real" building, the seat of the Rectorate of the UGR
Wed, 11/11/2020 - 09:04

Communiqué of 9/11/2020 on Presidential Decree of 8/11/2020 in Official Gazette (BOJA) No 77

With regard to “Presidential Decree 9/2020 of 8 November establishing measures in the Autonomous Community of Andalusia in accordance with Royal Decree 926/2020 of 25 October, which declares a state of alarm in order to contain the spread of infections caused by SARS-CoV-2” (Official Gazette of the Regional Government of Andalusia [BOJA] No 77 of 8 November), the University wishes to inform of the following information: