
Welcome to the VIII SHRIMP International Workshop

The IBERSIMS laboratory, University of Granada, and the Polish Geological Institute invite all scientist interested in “in situ” mass spectrometry and its applications to geosciences to participate in the VIII International SHRIMP Workshop that will be held in Granada, Spain, from 6 to 10 September 2016

Granada, 6-10 September 2016

Organizing Committee


     Invited chairman:


     Area coordinators:  


Fernando Bea               (fbea@ugr.es)

Ewa Krzeminska           (ekrz@pgi.gov.pl)

Pilar Montero                 (pmontero@ugr.es)

Jane H. Scarrow            (jscarrow@ugr.es)

Concha Lázaro              (clazaro@ugr.es)  

Jose Francisco Molina   (jfmolina@ugr.es)

Aitor Cambeses             (aitorc@ugr.es)

Juan Antonio Moreno   (jmoreno_2@ugr.es)

Important dates:

Registration: April 1 to July 15

Abstract submission: April 1 to July 15

Abstracts Book

(updated 2016/09/01)