Web dedicada al libro sobre el trabajo de campo antropológico contemporáneo, editado por James D. Faubion and George E. Marcus en 2009. Se pueden descargar la Introducción del libro, escrita por George Marcus, el Prefacio, redactado por Michael Fisher, y el capítulo 9, escrito por Christopher Kelty.
This page lists FREE resources for program evaluation and social research methods. The focus is on "how-to" do evaluation research and the methods used: surveys, focus groups, sampling, interviews, and other methods. Most of these links are to resources that can be read over the web. A few, like the GAO books, are for books that can be sent away for, for free (if you live in the US), as well as read over the web.
En la web de este sociólogo se pueden descargar todos sus libros y artículos. En Ethnography Unbound (1991) describe su propuesta de método etnográfico: The extended case method. También es muy recomendable la lectura de otra de sus obras colectivas: Global Ethnography (2000).
Lista de distribución que tiene el objetivo de promover y difundir el Análisis de Redes Sociales en los países de habla hispana. Contiene, además de bibliografía y publicaciones, una introducción al análisis reticular.
Trabajo de campo
DOING ANTHROPOLOGY Thoughts on Fieldwork From Three Research Sites
Cultural Anthropology is a social science that explores how people understand - and act in - the world. But what, exactly, is it that Cultural Anthropologists do? How do they approach their research? In this short film, three members of MIT's Anthropology Department, Stefan Helmreich, Erica James, and Heather Paxson, talk about their current work and the process of doing fieldwork.
WHAT IS ETHNOGRAPHY? En este vídeo un grupo de estudiantes norteamericanos explican qué es la etnografía a partir de su investigación de campo en Serbia.
QUALQUANT QualQuant is a site dedicated to social research methods—qualitative and quantitative alike. It's grounded in a simple idea expressed by H. Russell Bernard in his introduction to the Handbook of Methods in Cultural Anthropology (1998): "Whatever our epistemological differences, the actual methods by which we collect and analyze our data belong to everyone across the social sciences." Información sobre cursos. Tutoriales.
LEARNING TO LOOK En este sitio el antropólogo William Washabaugh propone una serie de ejercicios para educar la mirada.
WRITING ACROSS BOUNDARIES If you are a social scientist working with qualitative data and you are interested in issues relating to the writing up your data, then this website will be of great interest to you. The Writing Across Boundaries website is dedicated to the support of social science researchers who wish to engage more effectively with the practical and intellectual issues that arise in the quest to produce texts which are engaging, accurate and analytically insightful.