We collaborate in the CEMED course: Management and leadership in food distribution-COVIRAN

October - December, 2024

The course's training program aims to train multidisciplinary professionals in the direction and management of distribution companies, with special attention to food distribution, a strategic sector and therefore essential in today's society.
This training will allow the participants to specialize within a very dynamic sector with high professionalization demands. The course will prepare them in the general management of a commercial distribution company, putting the person at the center of any measure.

We organize a one-day workshop on ESG for Companies in Granada

May 14th, 2024

The workshop is proposed as a forum for discussion and exchange of knowledge on Environmental, Social and corporate Governance.
The main purpose of this workshop is, through the presentation of local case studies, to deepen the understanding of how organizations can effectively integrate ESG principles into their corporate strategies, as well as explore the practical implications and challenges inherent in this process.
Workshop on ESG: poster

Our collaborator GestCoop participates in a project to value Mathematics in the company among secondary school students

April 12th, 2024

Within the framework of the MatEduca project, which aims to show high school students what research is happening at the Institute of Mathematics of the University of Granada IMAG, GestCoop will give a talk entitled "Making data-based decisions: the power of maths in our hands". Students from two schools will attend this MatEduca event.

We collaborate in the 9th issue of the CICODE magazine "Mundo Diverso"

April 10th, 2024

The “Mundo Diverso” Magazine, granted by the Center for Development Cooperation Initiatives (CICODE) of the University of Granada, has been created by people who have enjoyed mobility aid to carry out international development cooperation activities.
The experiences included in this issue were conducted by fourteen university community members to engage in international volunteering and participate in activities contributing to the completion of final degree projects (TFG) or Master's final projects (TFM) in the field of International Development Cooperation.
Revista Mundo Diverso vol. 9 (2024).

UNESCO Chair has been invited to participate in: "Debates on WATER: Sustainable? management of groundwater. California vs Andalucía"

February 24th, 2024

Groundwater experts debate the sustainable management of groundwater, comparing experiences in California and Andalusia.
More information.

VI Forum of the Hidralia+UGR Chair

December 14th, 2023

We collaborate in the conference "Challenges and Opportunities of the Reuse of Regenerated Water" organized by Hidraulia .
The conference will analyce, among other topics, the new Water Reuse Regulation and the experiences and challenges in production, irrigation as well as legal aspects and treatment strategies, for the integration of regenerated water.
More information.

We collaborate with CreaInnovaEduca Academic Festival - UGR

November 2023 - January 2024

Within the framework of this Festival, an activity will be carried out that aims to reflect on the report published by UNESCO entitled: “Reimaginar juntos nuestros futuros: un nuevo contrato social para la educación”. This document aims to open a global debate on how education should be rethought in a world of increasing complexity, uncertainty and fragility and recognizes the power of education to provoke profound change.
Read more about the whole festival

National Meeting of UNESCO Chairs and UNITWIN Networks of Spain

October 16-17th, 2023

Our Chair participates in this Meeting mainly devoted to topics such as the transformation of higher education, the work plans of the UNITWIN Networks of Spain and the role of these chairs in university life.
read more