Maica Motos, co-founder of one of our partner companies, GESTCOOP, gave a presentation on corporatism in the digital age at the Jornada de Emprendimiento de la UGR held at the ETSIIT.
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Green energy for e-mobility in refugee communities in Uganda
With the support of Energizing Development (EnDev), the social enterprise of our advisor Joaquín Avilés, Infrastructure for Sustainable Development (i4SD), is transforming the lives of rural refugee communities in Uganda, with its approach to mini-grids and solar hubs by adding e-mobility as a main daytime load.
Decentralized Renewable Energy and Productive Uses of Energy is the virtuous cycle of sustainable, affordable and scalable access to energy in off-grid areas.
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The UN General Assembly yesterday declared 2025 as the International Year of Cooperatives (IYC2025) to be celebrated under the theme "Cooperatives Build a Better World".
From the UNESCO Chair of Sustainable Development and Environment we would like to express our deepest gratitude to FundaciónCOVIRÁN and
GESTCOOP, two cooperatives that actively collaborate with us and exemplify the positive impact that this business model has on sustainable development.
The IYC2025 highlights the lasting global impact of cooperatives and emphasizes that the cooperative model is a crucial solution for addressing various global challenges. Additionally, it underscores the significant role cooperatives play in advancing the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030.
The UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs Networks, of which we are a part, is based on an integrated approach that combines research, teaching, training and community engagement. In this context, our collaboration with FundaciónCOVIRÁN and
GESTCOOP strengthens the link between academic knowledge and local action, acting as a bridge between research and practice, and fostering public debate, ethical reflection and scientific progress for the common good.
In this International Year of Cooperatives, we reiterate our commitment to continue working together to inspire new generations and build a more just, inclusive and sustainable future.
The Cátedra Vectalia Movilidad of the University of Alicante, as a member of the Network of University Chairs on Sustainability is organizing the "I Meeting of University Chairs on Sustainable Mobility" at the Sede Universitaria Ciudad de Alicante. A space to reflect on important challenges such as sustainability, decarbonization, the new habits of the new generations or shared and multimodal mobility, which is becoming more present every day.
After the last meeting of the Coordinating Committee of the Network of University Chairs on Sustainability, it was agreed to incorporate several new Chairs, among which is the
UNESCO Chair of Sustainable Development and Environment of the UGR.
The network is now made up of 39 members from 23 universities.
The IDSSD is a transformative initiative led by UNESCO, which spans from 2024 to 2033. This decade is a unique opportunity to harness the full potential of science to drive sustainable development and create a better future for all.
It aims to advance global scientific knowledge, build a robust science culture, and ensure that scientific progress benefits all. Its mission is to engage all societal actors to further science and promote inclusive, multidisciplinary approaches to solving global challenges. By empowering individuals through scientific literacy, fostering collaboration, and supporting open science, the IDSSD will accelerate progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
We encourage you to actively engage with the IDSSD by proposing initiatives that contribute to its objectives. Initiatives can focus on areas such as scientific literacy, actionable knowledge for the SDGs, advancing basic sciences, and building capacity, especially in Africa and Small Island Developing States. More info.Get involved:application form.
We inaugurate the CEMED course: Gestión y Liderazgo en Distribución Alimentaria-COVIRAN
The director of the ETSICCP, Mónica López, hosted the inauguration of this course of the Mediterranean Center in which our UNESCO Chair is a collaborator. Also participating in the inauguration were: Sheila Villalobos, Director of the COVIRAN Foundation; Vanesa Martos, Vice Dean of the UGR; Luis Liñán, head of the COVIRAN School of Commerce and Javier Ordóñez, as director of the course.
Call for entries: 2024 Future Designer International Innovation Design Awards and Science for SDGs Innovation Contest
The 2024 Future Designer International Innovation Design Awards and Science for the Sustainable Development Goals Innovation Contest will solicit innovative and creative works from young people around the world. The aim is to raise awareness of, and advocate for, the important role of science, technology, engineering and mathematics in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These competitions align with the vision and mission of the International Decade of Science for Sustainable Development (IDSSD) to build a culture of science.
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UNESCO awarded for its work in protecting the ocean
UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azoulay received the award in the Sustainability category during the 2024 Vanguardia Awards ceremony at the Palau de Congressos de Catalunya in Barcelona. The second edition of the Vanguardia Awards recognised achievements in the categories of International, Sustainability, Entrepreneur of the Year, Innovation and Science, City Development and Culture.
This recognition highlights the key role UNESCO plays worldwide in protecting the ocean.
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First announced during the 42nd UNESCO General Conference in Paris in November 2023,
this online course sets out to prepare high school learners from across the world to solve the sustainable development challenges of today.
It is an innovative new online course conceptually based on Professor Jeffrey Sachs’ seminal book “The Ages of Globalization”, a story of humanity across the world and over time.
With visits and storytelling at UNESCO's Cultural Heritage Sites, this course introduces a new and thrilling curriculum that merges world history, science, geography, technology, interactive maps, and globally connected classrooms with live online monthly lectures with Professor Jeffrey D. Sachs and distinguished guests from across the globe.
Course Trailer (video) Webpage and sign up, coming FALL 2024!
UNESCO Chairs and Partners Forum: Transforming knowledge for Africa’s future
This Forum aims to strengthen interdisciplinary and collaborative research capacity in Africa, including through more inclusive and effective South-South and South-South-North research partnerships.
The future of humanity is inextricably linked to Africa’s future. Yet, established narratives around the future of the continent continue to reflect the long-standing imbalances in knowledge production and in academic research on Africa. Research remains largely dominated by institutions in, or with close links to, the Global North. Reframing the narrative around Africa’s future requires the mobilization of diverse knowledge traditions.
Read more & registration Online information session on the UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs Programme: 8 July 2024 at 14:00
UNESCO Chairs seminar: Science, Technology and Innovation and Digital Cooperation
The signing ceremony was attended by Pedro Mercado Pacheco, rector of the University of Granada, Javier Ordóñez García, director of the UNESCO Chair, Rocío Díaz Jiménez, Minister of Development, Territorial Coordination, and Housing of the Junta de Andalucía, Jesús Ibáñez Peña, CEO of Cetursa, María of Carmen Motos Martínez-Esparza and David Robles Llanes, solidarity administrators of Gestcoop, Sheila Villalobos Sola, director of the Covirán Foundation and José Antonio Benito Díaz, president of Covirán, among others.
Read more at: canal/UGR, IDEAL,
La Vanguardia,
Canarias 7,
Linked-in (Coviran),
Linked-in (Gestcoop),
Sierra Nevada
Two of our collaborators receive +COOP Awards from FAECTA Granada
The Andalusian Federation of Cooperative Companies FAECTA grants the provincial +COOP Awards as recognitions for cooperatives, to highlight the best business initiatives in each of the eight Andalusian provinces.
In this first edition, two of our collaborators have been awarded: GESTCOOP, with the award for the Most Innovative Cooperative; and Sheila Villalobos, as director of the COVIRAN foundation, with the prize for the Promotion of Cooperatives (shared). Read more
UNESCO webinar on playing with Mathematics for society
Established during the General Conference of UNESCO in November 2019, the international day of mathematics (the π day) serves as an opportunity to explain and explore the essential role that mathematics and mathematics education play in breakthroughs in science and technology, in improving the quality of life, in empowering women and girls, and in contributing to the achievement of the SDGs of the 2030 agenda of the UN.
This year's theme will address the many ways in which playing with mathematics can contribute to the achievement of the SDGs. It is a very rich theme, as exemplified by the multiple meanings of the verb “play”. Read more & Participate
Sierra Nevada joins forces with Repsol to reduce the station's emissions
In the era of rapid technological advancement, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a transformative force with profound implications for societies worldwide. Africa, in particular, stands on the precipice of embracing AI's potential to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals through economic growth, enhancing healthcare, and improving education. However, as AI technologies continue to evolve, so do the ethical challenges they pose. To align with the African Union's Agenda 2063, which envisions an integrated, prosperous, and peaceful Africa, it is imperative that African nations equip themselves to address the ethical dimensions of AI. Adhering to the UNESCO Recommendation on the ethics of AI is crucial for the responsible development and deployment of AI technologies. This seminar sought to foster critical reflections on these issues and facilitate collaboration among stakeholders to strengthen Africa's capacities to navigate the ethics of AI.
It represented a step towards empowering Africa to harness the potential of AI while safeguarding the ethical principles that underpin its development. Through shared knowledge and collaborative efforts, Africa can pave the way for an inclusive, equitable, and ethically responsible AI landscape in line with the aspirations of Agenda 2063 and UNESCO's ethical framework.
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The University of Granada and UNESCO confirm their mutual commitment to the renewal of the UNESCO Chair on Sustainable Development and Environment
With Javier Ordóñez García as the new director, the chair has the support of the University of Granada and UNESCO.
Since its creation in the nineties, the chair has focused its activity on promoting educational and training activities on topics related to sustainable environmental management, collaborating with numerous Latin American Universities.. Read more.
Celebrated every 10 November, World Science Day for Peace and Development highlights the significant role of science in society and the need to engage the wider public in debates on emerging scientific issues. It also underlines the importance and relevance of science in our daily lives.
Message from Ms Audrey Azoulay, Director-General of UNESCO, on the occasion of the World Science Day for Peace and Development, 10 November 2023
UNESCO launches a new Podcast series on “Right to Science in Latin America”. In this podcast series, priority topics are presented for a better understanding of the right to science in an entertaining and accessible way. Podcast
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National Meeting of UNESCO Chairs and UNITWIN Networks of Spain
Our Chair participates in this Meeting mainly devoted to topics such as the transformation of higher education, the work plans of the UNITWIN Networks of Spain and the role of these chairs in university life. Read more