Universidad de Granada


Revista de investigación y Docencia Creativa

Año 2021

Número 24 - The use of chatbot as an element of tutorial action in university teaching

Pedro Ángel Castillo Valdivieso – Universidad de Granada - ORCID

María del Carmen Aguilar Luzón – Universidad de Granada - ORCID


It is of great importance to help and pay attention to students through different educational activities to ensure their participation in class and thus reduce the dropout rate. Traditionally, tutoring activities have been limited to face-to-face sessions in which students pose questions to the teacher. However, in a connected world with many available information systems, innovative tools are needed to facilitate and speed up both the study and the resolution of doubts in a comfortable way. Methods: This paper proposes using a chatbot based tutoring system as a novel educational experience focused on motivating universities students. Results: Besides, we provide a proof-of-concept implementation of a chatbot that answers questions as quickly and accurately possible at any time, in a comfortable way for the students, and at the same time it gathers feedback from the students regarding those topics that need to be explained in class in more detail. Conclusions: This experience is intended to increase the engagement and collaboration of both students and instructors and has helped to decrease the dropout rate in recent years.

Keyword: Chatbot


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