Alhambra (Granada, Spain)

About me aaaaAcademic backgroundaaaaFellowshipsaaaaHonors and Awards

Geophysical Campaigns aaaa Participation in research projects


About me

I was born in Granada (southern Spain), city of the Alhambra, on May 19th of 1979. I spent most of my time in this wonderful place, enjoying the city and its cuisine; but also travelling around Spain. In 1997 I started my degree in Geology at the University of Granada, five years later I received my degree. After six month working for a mining company I gave it up and returned to the school for a PhD project. I have just defended my PhD and future is uncertain....


Academic background

1997-2002: Degree in Geology at the University of Granada.

2002-2004: MS-Degree in Earth Sciences at the University of Granada.

2007: PhD in Earth Sciences.




Title: “Cartografía estructural y transformaciones metamórficas de las metabasitas con asociaciones eclogíticas de Las Catifas”. [Structural mapping and methamorphic trasnformations in the eclogitic assamblage of Las Catifas metabasite]


Title: “ Análisis estructural y condiciones P-T de las eclogitas deformadas de Las Catifas (Complejo Nevado-Filábride, Sierra Nevada)”. [Structural analysis and P-T conditions of the Las Catifas sheared eclogites (Nevado Filábride Complex, Sierra Nevada, Spain]

Honors and Awards

Premio Fin de Carrera en la Licenciatura de Ciencias Geológicas de la Academia de Ciencias Matemáticas, Fisico-Químicas y Naturales de Granada. Curso académico 2001-2002.

Segundo Premio Nacional de Fin de Carrera de Educación Universitaria en los estudios de Geología. Curso académico 2001-2002.

Premio de Investigacion en Geofísica J. García-Siñeriz al mejor trabajo de investigación tutelado de la XI Convocatoria (2005).


Geophysical Campaigns


  • 2003: Seismic monitoring of the Teide volcano (Canary Islands, Spain). International Project “e-Ruption: A Satellite Telecomunication and Internet-Based Seismic Monitoring System for Volcanic eruption forecasting and Risk Management” (EVK1-CT-2001-40021). [Pictures]


  • 2003: Seismic monitoring of Deception Island volcano (South Shetlands, Anrtarctica). International Project “TOMODEC: Tomografía sísmica de alta resolución de la isla Decepción (Antártica) y modelización de la fuente sísmica”. [Pictures]




Participation in research projects

  • “Estudios geológicos y geofísicos integrados en márgenes y cuencas sedimentarias del Sur de Iberia: Relación entre procesos superficiales y profundos en el Mar de Alborán y su conexión con el Atlántico” (REN2001-3868-C03-01). (MCYT)


  • “Imaging the Western Mediterranean Margins: a Key Target to Understand the Interaction between Deep and Shallow processes”. (ESF-EUROCORES on EUROMARGINS)