[2002] [2003] [2004] [2005] [2006] [2007]



  • Fernández-Ibáñez, F., Soto, J.I., Zoback, M.D. and Morales, J. (2007). Present-day stress field in the Gibraltar Arc (western Mediterranean). Accepted for publication in Journal of Geophysical Research. [PDF]

  • Valero-Navarro, A., Fernández-Sánchez, J.F., Medina-Castillo, A.L., Fernández-Ibáñez, F., Segura-Carretero, A., Ibáñez, J. M. and Fernández-Gutiérrez, A. (2007). A rapid, sensitive screening test for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons applied to Antarctic water, Chemosphere, 67, 903-910. [PDF]


  • Soto, J.I. and Fernández-Ibáñez, F. (2007). Active tectonics and deformation partitioning in the Gibraltar Arc, EGU 2007, Vienna (Austria), 15-20 april 2007. [Abstract]
  • Fernández-Ibáñez, F. and Soto, J.I. (2007). Using shallow seismicity and stress field to characterize active wrench systems in the Gibraltar Arc (Western Mediterranean), EGU 2007, Vienna (Austria), 15-20 april 2007. [Abstract]
  • Soto, J.I. and Fernández-Ibáñez, F. (2007). Active tectonics and and crustal rheology shape topography in the Gibraltar Arc, 3rd International TOPO-Europe Workshop, Rome (Italy), 2-5 may 2007. [Abstract]



  • Fernández-Ibáñez, F., Marro, G., Sánchez-Gómez, M., Román-Alpiste, M., García, M., Mhammdi, N., Vanneste, H. and Comas, M. (2006). Seismic interpretation and sidescan sonographs from the West Alboran Basin. In Interdisciplinary geoscience studies of the Gulf of Cadiz and Western Mediterranean basins (Eds. N.H. Kenyon, M.K. Ivanov, A.M. Akhmetzhanov, E.V. Kozlova), IOC Technical Series No. 70, 46-48, UNESCO. [PDF]

  • Sánchez-Gómez, M., Fernández-Ibáñez, F., Marro, G., García, M., Román-Alpiste, M., Mhammdi, N., Vanneste, H. and Comas, M. (2006). The transition between the Alboran and the Balearic-Algerian Basins: seismic interpretation. In Interdisciplinary geoscience studies of the Gulf of Cadiz and Western Mediterranean basins (Eds. N.H. Kenyon, M.K. Ivanov, A.M. Akhmetzhanov, E.V. Kozlova), IOC Technical Series No. 70, 49-52, UNESCO. [PDF]
  • Marro, G., Sánchez-Gómez, M., Fernández-Ibáñez, F., García, M., Román-Alpiste, M., Mhammdi, N., Vanneste, H. and Comas, M. (2006). Palomares margin: seismic interpretation. In Interdisciplinary geoscience studies of the Gulf of Cadiz and Western Mediterranean basins (Eds. N.H. Kenyon, M.K. Ivanov, A.M. Akhmetzhanov, E.V. Kozlova), IOC Technical Series No. 70, 57-57, UNESCO. [PDF]
  • Marro, G., Sánchez-Gómez, M., Fernández-Ibáñez, F., García, M., Román-Alpiste, M., Mhammdi, N., Vanneste, H. and Comas, M. (2006). The Cartagena margin: seismic interpretation. In Interdisciplinary geoscience studies of the Gulf of Cadiz and Western Mediterranean basins (Eds. N.H. Kenyon, M.K. Ivanov, A.M. Akhmetzhanov, E.V. Kozlova), IOC Technical Series No. 70, 61-61, UNESCO. [PDF]
  • Fernández-Ibáñez, F., Pérez Peña, J.V., Azañón, J.M. and González-Lodeiro, F. (2006). Caracterización morfo-estructural del borde occidental de Sierra de Gádor (Cordillera Bética). Geogaceta (Journal of the Geological Society of Spain) 40, 71-74. [PDF]
  • Fernández-Ibáñez, F., Soto, J.I. and Zoback, M.D. (2006). Estado actual de esfuerzos en Béticas and Alborán a partir del análisis de “breakouts”, Geogaceta (Journal of the Geological Society of Spain) 40, 59-62. [PDF]


  • Carlos Paredes, Jorge L. Giner-Robles, Raúl Pérez-López, Rogelio de la Vega, José Jesús Martínez-Díaz, Santiago de Vicente, Alicia García-García, José Manuel González-Casado, Jesús M. Ibáñez, and Fermín Fernández-Ibáñez (2006). The spatial pattern structure of the seismicity and volcanism in the Deception Island area (South Shetland Islands, West Antarctica), 5ª Asamblea Hispano-Portuguesa de geodesia and geofísica, Sevilla, 30 enero a 3 february 2006. [Abstract]
  • Fernández-Ibáñez, F., Soto, J.I. and Zoback, M.D. (2006). Present-day stress field pattern in the Gibraltar Arc (Western Mediterranean), EGU 2006, Vienna (Austria), 2-7 april 2006. [Abstract]
  • Soto, J.I. and Fernández-Ibáñez, F. (2006). Is the Betic-Rif Cordillera still collapsing?, EGU 2006, Vienna (Austria), 2-7 april 2006. [Abstract]
  • Fernández-Ibáñez, F., and Soto, J.I. (2006). Distribution and tectonic significance of crustal seismicity at South-Iberian margins, MYRES II: Dynamics of the lithosphere, Verbania (Italy), 2-6 july 2006. [Abstract]
  • Fernández-Sánchez, J.F., Fernández-Ibáñez, F., Segura-Carretero, A., Ibáñez, J.M., and Fernández-Gutiérrez, A. (2006). Rapid and sensible screening test of Antarctic water for Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, VII Simposio Español de Estudios Polares, Granada, 18-20 september 2006. [Abstract]
  • Soto, J.I., Fernández-Ibáñez, F., Zoback, M.D. and Morales, J. (2006). Present-day stress field in the Gibraltar Arc (Western Mediterranean), 3rd Euromargins Conference, Bologna (Italy), 4-7 october 2006. [Abstract]



  • Fernández-Ibáñez, F., Soto, J.I. and Morales, J. (2005). Profundidad de la transición dúctil-frágil en la corteza de Béticas-Rif and Mar de Alborán. Geogaceta (Journal of the Geological Society of Spain) 35, 155-158. [PDF]
  • Fernández-Ibáñez, F., Pérez-López, R., Martínez-Díaz, J.J., Paredes, C., Giner-Robles, J.L., Caselli, A.T. e Ibáñez, J.M. (2005). Costa Recta beach, Deception Island, West Antarctica: a retreated scarp of a submarine fault? Antarctic Science 17(3), 418-416. [PDF]


  • Soto, J.I., Comas, M.C., Fernández-Ibañez, F., Marro, G., Román, M.J., Talukder, A.R., Mountfield, R. and Chevalier, and .M.R. Plio-Quaternary evolution of the West Alboran Basin (W Mediterranean). EAGE 67th Conference & Exhibition. Madrid, june 2005. [Abstract]

  • Fernández-Ibañez, F. and Soto, J.I. Distribution and tectonic significance of crustal seismicity at South-Iberian margins. EGU 2005 (European Geosciences Union, General Assembly). Vienna, april 2005. [Abstract]

  • Soto, J.I., Fernández-Ibañez, F., Fernàndez, M., and García-Casco, A. Thermal structure of the South-Iberian margins: inference for crustal geodynamic processes and seismicity. EGU 2005 (European Geosciences Union, General Assembly). Vienna, april 2005. [Abstract]

  • Fernández-Ibáñez, F., Soto, J.I. and Morales, J. Crustal seismicity in Western Mediterranean Margins: the Betic-Rif-Alboran region. International Conference and TTR post-cruise meeting Geosphere and Biosphere Coupling Processes: the TTR interdisciplinary approach towards studies of the European and North African margins. Marrakech, february 2005. [Abstract]

  • Fernández-Ibáñez, F., Sánchez-Gómez, M., Marro, G., Comas, M.C. and Soto, J.I. Recent tectonics in the transition between the East Alboran and Balearic-Algerian Basins. International Conference and TTR post-cruise meeting Geosphere and Biosphere Coupling Processes: the TTR interdisciplinary approach towards studies of the European and North African margins. Marrakech, february 2005. [Abstract]



  • Caselli, A.T., Bidone, A., Bengoa, C., Rojas Vera, E., Badi, G., Zandomeneghi, D., Sánchez, N., Fernández-Ibáñez, F., and Ibáñez, J. (2004). Deception Island (Antarctica) Annual investigations reveal continuing seismicity and fumaroles. Bulletin of the Global Volcanism Network 29(12), 8-9. [PDF]
  • Pérez-López, R., Fernández-Ibáñez, F., Martínez-Díaz, J.J., Paredes, C.,Giner, J.L. and Caselli, A.T. (2004). Criterios geomorfológicos sobre actividad tectónica reciente a lo largo de la Costa Recta, Isla Decepción (Antártida Occidental). Geo-Temas 6 (3). [PDF]


  • Fernández-Ibáñez, F., Soto, J.I., Morales, J., and Comas, M.C. Rheological constrains for the seismicity in a diffuse plate boundary: the Gibraltar Arc in the Westernmost Mediterranean. 2004 AGU Fall Meeting. San Francisco 2004. [Abstract] [Poster]

  • Soto, J.I., Gràcia, E., Comas, M.C. and Fernández-Ibáñez, F. Seismogenic structures in the Alboran Sea (Westernmost Mediterranean) characterized by marine geophysical data. 2004 AGU Fall Meeting. San Francisco 2004. [Abstract] [Poster]

  • Pérez-López, R., Fernández-Ibáñez, F. , Martínez-Díaz, J.J., Paredes, C.,Giner, J.L. and Caselli, A.T. Criterios geomorfológicos sobre actividad tectónica reciente a lo largo de la Costa Recta, Isla Decepción (Antártida Occidental). VI Congreso Geológico de España. Zaragoza 2004. [Abstract]

  • Caselli, A.T., Bidone, A., Bengoa, C., Rojas Vera, E., Badi, G., Zandomeneghi, D., Sánchez, N., Fernández-Ibáñez, F. , e Ibáñez, J. Análisis sismológico and geoquímica comparativo del verano austral 2004 en Isla Decepción, Antártida. V Simposio Argentino and I Latinoamericano sobre Investigaciones Antárticas. Buenos Aires 2004.



  • Molinos, M., Talukder, A, Soto, J.I., Estrada, F., Marro, G., Fernández, F., Akhmetzhanov, A., Shashkin, P., Uvarov, I., Osipenko, M., and Kostinenkova, A. Mud volcanoes in the southern West Alboran Basin: Sidescan sonar data. Interdisciplinary Geoscience Research on the North East Atlantic Margin, Mediterranean Sea and Mid-Atlantic Ridge. IOC Technical Series No. 67, UNESCO, 2003 (English).
  • Soto, J.I., Talukder, A., Marro, G., Fernández, F., Comas, Volkonskaya, A., Kuvaev, I. and Agibalov, S. Mud volcanoes in the southern West Alboran Basin: Airgun seismic and hull mounted profiles. Interdisciplinary Geoscience Research on the North East Atlantic Margin, Mediterranean Sea and Mid-Atlantic Ridge. IOC Technical Series No. 67, UNESCO, 2003 (English).
  • Soto, J.I., Talukder, A., Marro, G., Fernández, F., Comas, M., Jurado, M.J., Volkonskaya, A., Kuvaev, I. and Agibalov, S. Mud volcanoes in the northern West Alboran Basin: Airgun seismic and hull mounted profiles. Interdisciplinary Geoscience Research on the North East Atlantic Margin, Mediterranean Sea and Mid-Atlantic Ridge. IOC Technical Series No. 67, UNESCO, 2003 (English).


  • Soto, J.I., Comas, M.C., Fernández-Ibáñez, F., and Gràcia, E. Recent deformation in the northern margin of the Alboran Sea (Westernmost Mediterranean): seismogenic structures and active surface processes. Euromargins Conference. Barcelona 2003.



  • Juan I. Soto and F. Fernández-Ibáñez. Strain and geometry of shear zones in eclogite rocks (Betic Cordillera, SE Spain) with transport normal to the stretching lineation. Transport and flow processes in shear zones. Geological Society of London. London 2002.