[Geology] [Geophysics] [Global databases ] [Software] [2006]


  • SRTM v2 released. Version 2 of the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission digital topographic data (90 m resolution). The data may be obtained by anonymous ftp to: and moving to the directory srtm where both version 1 and version 2 directories may be found.
  • NGSDEM99. The NGSDEM99 data set is a 1 x 1 arcsecond DEM created at NGS from raw DEM data of USGS and NIMA. It covers the area 39 to 49 degrees latitude and 234 to 256 degrees longitude.
  • GTOPO30. Global Digital Terrain, 30 arc-second density.
  • Global Marine Gravity, 2 arc-minute density. Global marine gravity field by processing of Geosat and ERS-1 satellite altimetry data.
  • Geoid, Gravity, Deflection, and Data Coverage Grids. ASCII grids of geoid, gravity, deflection, and gravity data coverage . The geoid height and deflection of the vertical models are from GEOID96, DEFLEC96, MEXICO97, DMEX97, and G96SSS. However, each model is organized as a single, big, ASCII file; rather than as the overlapping binary files used in our standard distributions. In addition, we provide grids of terrain-corrected free air gravity anomalies, and gravity data coverage grids.
  • Get an ASCII XYZ file: Topogrphy, gravity or geoid.(Scripps Institution of Oceanography).