Hitler wrote in "Mein Kampf"
"… in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility;
because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily
corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than
consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity
of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than
the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in
little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale
falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate
colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could
have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though
the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to
their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to
think that there may be some other explanation. For the grossly
impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has
been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in
this world and to all who conspire together in the art of lying.
These people know only too well how to use falsehood for the
basest purposes."
Smart guy, no doubt about it. That surely explains why so many
Americans believe that Iraq and 9/11 are connected and why many
probably believe that WMD have been found or that they were
destroyed in the days before the war or any other of the
improbable explanations as to why the fundamental rationale on
which this war was based simply must be true in spite of all the
evidence to the contrary. A good number of people simply do not
want to believe that the President of the United States would
blatantly lie over and over and over again on a subject of such
(It also explains the seemingly incomprehensible fact that a
president was just recently impeached for supposedly lying
about a consensual sex act, a crime Republicans considered to be
so heinous that it had to be prosecuted or risk undermining the
entire concept of the rule of law.)
But what to make of
this? I read that editorial (courtesy of the indispensable
Mediawhoresonline) and found myself staring off into space
trying to understand how we will be able to function as a society
when we finally cast off even the pretense of a requirement for
honesty in democratic leaders.
''Would it bother you if we were to discover that George Bush
lied about the case for going to war?'' I asked.
He knew what I was referring to. His blunt answer left my jaw
``Everyone knows he lied about weapons of mass destruction
being the point of the war.''
Just a few weeks ago, any statement from me that Bush's case
for war was riddled with inconsistencies and illogic would have
brought swift and fierce condemnation from this fellow.
Now, basking in the glow of military conquest -- and
confronted by a thus-far futile search for chemical and
biological weapons -- this hawk breezily conceded the point
while also waving it away as inconsequential.
The difference between the gullible average guy who refuses to
believe his President would lie and the guy quoted above is
significant. The first holds that honesty is so important that he
must cling to a belief in the honest nature of his leader even in
the face of evidence to the contrary. The latter thinks honesty or
even logical consistencies are unnecessary.
Instead of insisting that WMD were present and then manufacturing
the evidence to back up that claim, which is what I expected in
the event that the WMD claim proved bogus, we now find the
administration and Jack Straw in the UK beginning to indicate,
like the fellow above, that we lied about the WMD and it doesn’t
matter, either in practical terms or as a matter of principle or
that what they plainly said was not what they plainly said. Josh
points out that Ken Adelman is even claiming that the UN
forced us to lie about WMD.
The editorial writer of the piece quoted above calls it hypocrisy,
but that’s really not completely correct. It’s hypocritical in the
sense that these people all lie yet proclaim themselves virtuous
and honest, yes. But, the phenomenon of lying to persuade people
of the rightness of an action you wish to undertake with their
permission and then saying later that what you said never mattered
at all is something else entirely.
My first reaction was to see it as yet another audacious display
of arrogance and privilege. They simply believe they can get away
with anything. But, after thinking about it, I actually think it
is far more insidious than that. It is an insult designed to get a
particular reaction.
Like the boss who requires his staff to obsequiously and
insincerely flatter him (because he delights in forcing them to
say something they don’t believe purely to please him, and knowing
they know it) it is less an act of narcissism than a demonstration
of power. Regardless of whether they had bad intelligence or just
bad intentions, for the administration to straightforwardly say to
their supporters that the arguments they had them put forth
with such fervor prior to the war were never correct and don’t
matter anyway is, in effect, demanding a loyalty oath that says
they are willing to give up any claim to personal integrity in
support of the party. You can believe me or you can believe your
lyin' eyes.
And to those who expressed skepticism about the imminent threat
presented by Saddam, these people are saying , “We have
demonstrated that we can get away with lying outright, over and
over again and no one has the courage or the will to hold us
accountable. You are powerless to defeat us through logic or
rational argument. Might makes right.”
When you add this to the ongoing and systematic attacks against
any criticism of the President or his policies, you have the
makings of a new order. From this, Brownshirts are made.
This gentleman has a choice to make.